Lee Orthodontics

Important Questions to Ask About Invisalign Treatment

Posted on June 6, 2022

orthodontist office

There are a lot of options offered when it comes to orthodontic teeth procedures. You can choose braces for your teeth or opt for Invisalign treatment. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, the overall number of adults who have well-aligned front teeth stands at 35%. Braces are the most popular option in the market but demand for Invisalign treatment has also been on a steady rise lately. Should you choose to go through with it, here are some key questions you can ask in an orthodontist office to help you make a suitable choice.

What Dental Issues Does Invisalign Treat?

Invisalign offers solutions to a wide array of dental issues like gaps in teeth, crooked or crowded teeth, etc. It mainly targets patients who have moderate or mild orthodontic issues. Using braces is more suitable for severe dental issues.

How Long Will it Last?

This question does not have a definitive answer as each dental patient differs from one another and therefore makes it hard to determine how long an Invisalign treatment lasts. Typically, Invisalign treatment’s lasting period averages between one year to one and a half years. There are reports, however, of patients seeing a change in their teeth within a few weeks.

Will I Have to Adjust My Diet?

There is a clear contrast between braces and Invisalign treatment: with Invisalign treatment you have the option of removing the trays when you want to eat. This means that when you opt for Invisalign treatment for your teeth, you won’t have to adjust your diet to avoid foods that would damage metal braces. One of the things your orthodontist will advise you to avoid consuming drinks that may stain the aligners. They will also recommend that you steer clear from consuming foods with a chewy texture and hard foods since that can cause damage to the aligners as well. That said, cleaning your teeth after meals and snacks may ensure your aligners stay in great condition for longer.

How Will I Maintain Invisalign Aligners?

It is required that you clean your Invisalign aligners daily. Clean them twice daily or after every meal, especially when waking up or before going to bed. You should brush them gently using a toothbrush and also avoid using hot water and mouthwash because it could damage the aligners.

How Often Should I Go in For Check-Ups?

Should you choose to go for braces treatment, you are required to go for check-ups at your orthodontist office every four to eight weeks, or every two to three months. Even though you will make a few visits to your orthodontist office, you will still have to change your aligners every two weeks. You will be provided with multiple sets of aligners at each appointment so you can manage your braces journey on your own before your next appointment.

You should ask as many questions as possible when you visit your orthodontist office to ensure that you move forward with the best treatment option for you. Doing so will help you stay within your budget and be best prepared to resolve your dental issues.