Lee Orthodontics

4 Signs Your Child May Need Braces

Posted on January 14, 2022

family orthodontics

While many people know that braces help straighten your teeth to look better, this orthodontic treatment also has a critical purpose. Namely, braces help to establish proper jaw function and alignment. When teeth are correctly aligned, they are easier to maintain and clean. Additionally, proper alignment supports a healthy bite, reducing the risk of poor speaking habits and even a number of dental diseases.

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, over 3.5 million kids and teens in the United States start wearing braces each year. If you are concerned your child needs braces, you should consider making an appointment at your family orthodontics practice for an assessment. Here are some signs that may indicate that your child needs braces.

Sign #1 – Problems Chewing

If you notice your child has difficulty with normal biting or chewing, it could mean their teeth are misaligned. Misalignment can be subtle, so you may not be able to see it when looking at the front of your child’s mouth. If you notice these concerns or your child has expressed that they have issues with chewing, visit local family orthodontics experts for a professional opinion.

Sign #2 – Grinding Teeth

If your child is grinding their teeth, especially during the night, this could indicate there is a misalignment that needs to be addressed. If this goes untreated, it can cause shifting of the jaw, damage to the teeth, and alignment problems. Your child might also experience jaw pain as a result of bruxism (the technical term for teeth grinding).

Sign #3 – Mouth Breathing

If you notice your child breathes from their mouth rather than through their nose, this could actually indicate a more significant problem. Mouth breaking can impact the way in which the face develops and how the teeth grow. If your child is not able to rest their tongue on the roof of their mouth, this can result in mouth breathing. It may be more than just poor manners; it could mean there’s a deeper issue that your family orthodontics practice can address.

Sign #4 – Crowded Teeth

If your child has teeth that are too close together or overlap, this can make it harder for them to care for their teeth properly. It could also cause mouth breathing, discomfort, and alignment problems. If you see crowded or blocked teeth, you should contact family orthodontics for a consultation. Since this problem will only worsen as time goes on, it’s important to seek out expert care as soon as possible.

The earlier your child can be diagnosed with a need for braces, the better off they will be. Many early treatment methods have proven to be effective in preventing more invasive treatment later on. It can also prevent problems such as pain and discomfort while chewing and speaking, as well as poor dental health. If you see any of these problems, contact our family orthodontics office for a consultation.